WEB: February/2023
In order to keep it’s analysis tools updated and improve the usability of the Web Platform, Dynamox has just released some new features. Check out the main features of the newest version below:
DynaDetect – Automated Failure Detection Tool
New Spot Center
DynaDetect – Automated Failure Detection Tool
DynaDetect is the new DynaPredict Solution’s automated diagnosis tool for asset failure, based on measurements generated by DynaLoggers. It is focused on those who need agility and reliability in the asset management routine. With its use you can view automated diagnoses that highlight machines with possible indications of failure, and identify the severity of these failures. The objective of these automated diagnoses is to assist the technician and increase the assertiveness of the analysis, as well as to support the manager in asset maintenance planning and decision making.
DynaDetect uses user-entered information such as asset type, machine characteristics, and monitoring location along with data from remote sensing to generate automated diagnoses. With the proper configuration, it is possible to detect mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic failures such as: unbalance; stiffness loss; misalignment; structural looseness; bearing wear; gearing defect; rotor bar defect; stator defect; hydrodynamic defect; aerodynamic defect, and cavitation.
Want to know more? Contact us.
New Spot Center
The Spot center, the screen where all the settings for the monitoring points are defined, underwent a major adjustment aiming at better usability when creating or editing the Spots.
The parameters that you already know were redistributed in new tabs, so that their identification is easier.
In addition, the section for setting the Operation Levels now has an illustrative chart, in order to clarify its concepts and help the user define the most appropriate values.
APP: September/2020
Continuously looking to evolve the analysis tools and facilitate the use of the Web Platform, Dynamox has just launched a series of new features. Check out the main updates for the latest version below:
Autorange for default spectral
Creation of Subsets and Components
Vibration alerts per axis
Addition of asynchronous axes
Search for DynaLogger on the scan screen
You no longer need to worry about adjusting the dynamic range when performing default spectral. On the configure spot screen, the option ‘Autorange’ is now available.
By selecting this option, each time the user performs default spectral, the app will connect to the DynaLogger and take a brief measurement. This measurement detects the most suitable dynamic range for the current vibration conditions of the spot and applies it to the default measurements.
It is now also possible to create more levels within a machine, with the subset and component options.
To create a subset on the app, enter a machine and touch the blue “+” button, then select “Add Subset”. Multiple subsets can be created in the same machine.
Within a “subset” it is possible to create components. This is done in a similar way to creating subsets, by touching the blue “+” button and selecting “Add Component”.
It’s worth remembering that spots can be created at any level (Machine, Subset or Component). This new function aims to help with the organization of spots in machines that possess a large number of spots in various positions.
The user now has the option to register a hardware alert (LED) for one axis only. This is done on the spot settings screen, when configuring the alerts. The user must specify which axis the alert will be associated to, or if the user wishes to associate the alerts to all three axes, this can be done by selecting “All Axes”
The DynaLogger AS now has more flexibility with its configurations. The user can choose in which axis to apply the asynchronous measurements. It’s also possible to continue with triaxial asynchronous measurements, by selecting the checkbox for all of the axes.
The serial number, or dyid, of a DynaLogger can be used to refine the search results when performing a scan of visible DynaLoggers on the app. To do this, perform a scan of DynaLoggers as normal, wait for the process to finish and a search symbol (magnifying glass) will appear at the top of the screen. Touch the search symbol and start typing the serial number (or part of the serial number) and the results will be filtered by this data.
Android: July/2022
Dynamox has just released a series of new upgrades to the Android version of the DynaPredict App. Check out the key features of version 4.19.5 below.
- Sensitivive Analysis Report
- Added “Back to Top” Button on the “Rolls” Checklist Type
With the new Sensitivity Analysis Report tool it is possible to register anomalies in assets and sub-areas without the need to be linked to scheduled and routine inspections. This way of recording irregularities outside a predetermined route has its advantages, such as:
- The inspector sees a problem in assets that are not in the route in that moment can report the abnormality via the new function.
- In case an authorized employee notices something unusual in an asset that is not inspected at any route, it is possible to notify the occurred.
- If an already performed/closed route does not have consistent content, you can add information
To iniciate the procedure, by the latereal menu, click on “Sensitivity Analysis Report” and then in the symbol “+” to begin the registration.
On the following screen, it will be necessary to fill in some fields to feed the report with relevant information to the occurrence registration. The main topics are detailed below:
- Asset: click on “Associate Asset” and choose in the asset tree the machine, subset or the component in question.
- Detected Failure: click “Add” and select which failure is detected. You can select more than one answer, as many as identified.
- Criticality level: choose the appropriate criticality
- Diagnosis: describe in detail what was found.
- Recommended Action: describe the action that is recommended to correct the failure. For example, if the detected failure was Material Accumulation, the recommended action could be “Promote cleaning”.
- Attachments: you can write an observation, record an audio, and take a picture, to make the report more complete.
To guarantee a better navigation to the user, a “back to top” button has been included in the “Rolls” checklist, so that it is possible to return to the top of the screen when entering information, making it easier to enter information for the next roll.
WEB: New features 2020
The Web Platform is the tool used to analyze the data collected by DynaLoggers, which is why we are constantly upgrading it to facilitate the user experience.
Read below to discover some of the improvements made this year (click the link to find out more).
E-mail notifications for spots with an alert;
Comparison between spots: compare overall values between two spots, side-by-side;
Addition of more than one alert per spot;
Record of edited spots with info such as name, date and the change that was made;
Spectral analysis with logarithmic scale;
Integrated Dashboard in list format;
Visual improvements:
– Spot path on the Spot Viewer
– Spots not collected for more than one month highlighted on the DMA;
– Battery level for each sensor on the DMA;
– Overall RMS acceleration value for each spectrum;
Comments: chat between users in any timeline event;
Help when configuring gateway collection;
Associating spots to gateways;
Option to request the inclusion of a bearing.
E-mail notifications for software alerts are now available. To start receiving them, the first step is to simply register the user to the workspace – click the “MANAGE” button on the asset tree (image below) and choose the desired sub-area.
On the “Users” tab, it is possible to add the permission “Subscriber” to the user that you want to receive the notifications.
Every data collection that generates an event with an A2 (critical) alert, will automatically send an e-mail to the users registered as a “Subscriber”, containing information about the spot and the period of the alert. From the e-mail report, it is possible to go directly to the spot in question on the Web Platform by clicking “Go to Spot”.
It is worth noting that users who are “Subscribers” do not need to be subscribers to the plant as a whole, but to sectors within the plant, in order to choose exactly which assets are most critical for the generation of the automatic e-mails.
We are developing further improvements for management, where it will be possible to choose the frequency of the notifications and manage the subscribed users.
The Web Platform now has a tool for making an easy comparison between two spots. The comparison can be made between each of the parameters: RMS velocity, temperature and RMS acceleration.
The comparison is made via the Spot Viewer, by clicking on the button ‘COMPARE’ on the top-right part of the screen.
By clicking this button, a window will open with all of the available spots for comparison. It is possible to search by spot name, machine or DYID to find the right spot. To select the spot, simply click on the “+” icon located on the right side of the window, in line with the spot.
After selecting the spot, both spots will appear together on the screen, with all of the spot viewer analysis tools available.
Besides the established LED alert on the DynaLogger, configurable on the app, it is now also possible to independently configure alerts on the Web Platform. These alerts work in a similar way to the hardware alerts (LED): determine intervals of vibration or temperature that will produce an alert for a spot with levels A1 and A2.
To configure alerts on the Web Platform, access the ‘edit spot’ page and proceed to the tab “Alerts” where it will be possible to set two independent alerts between:
- Alert Option A
- Alert Option B
In practice, these alert options (A and B) allow the user to be alerted by more than one type of measurement. In other words, it is possible to define up to 2 software alert conditions independently and fully configurable on the Web Platform! These alerts can be defined per axis (Uniaxial), applied to the three axes (Triaxial) and even the temperature. It’s also possible to determine the number of measurements above the limit that will trigger the alarm for the spot, i.e. how many consecutive measurements of vibration or temperature above the A1 or A2 thresholds will be necessary for the system alarm to trigger.
Note: Web Platform alerts are displayed on the Dashboard and do not indicate on the LED of the device.
A new tool available on the Web Platform is the cursor for indicating the waveform period. This can be used to measure the time interval between two points, in order to determine a pattern in the data collected by the DynaLogger. To access the tool, simply click on the cursor symbol located in the top right corner of the waveform graph, as shown below. Clicking on “period” will activate the tool and the user can select any two points on the graph, which will be marked in red.
If the cursor is used to measure the difference between two peaks or troughs of a dominant waveform signal, the frequency calculated based on the period will be related to the vibration spectrum, as is the case in this example.
As such, with this new functionality, a vibration analyst can extract information directly from the waveform. The tool can be especially important in the analysis of non-deterministic signals, such as impulsive signals generated by defective gears, among others.
Every modification to the configurations of a spot will generate a parameterization event on the timeline, highlighted by the orange icon (image below).
By clicking on the icon, information such as which user was responsible for the edit, what change was made and on what date. This allows greater control for monitoring assets.
Beside this, comments can also be made, so whenever a user is making a change for whatever reason, it can be justified.
It is now possible for users with “administrator” permission to create machines and spots not just via the app, but also via the Web Platform. This allows prior creation, i.e. before the installation of the sensors, and prevents the need for creation at the last minute in an unorganized way.
The option to delete empty machines or sub-areas (folders) is also available, but they must not have any spots or machines associated respectively.
To do this, just access the “Asset tree” on the side menu and by clicking on the option “MANAGE”, a gear symbol will appear, allowing the item to be edited or deleted, as shown below:
When a machine is created on the Web Platform, the criticality level of the machine can be classified by selecting from the “Class” field. One of these classifications is “Business risk”. If selected, the machine with this classification will be considered critical for the operation of the company. This is why we have now made available the option to filter the DMA for spots with this criticality level.
To apply the filter, click on the button at the top of the screen:
Vibration spectra can now be viewed in a logarithmic form, which increases the detection efficiency of defects in machines with low rotation.
To do this, in the spectral analysis area, just open a spectrum and select the last icon from the options panel.
The integrated dashboard is shown in the form of pie charts by default. Now, the user has the option to change the visualization to show in the form of a list, where there will be access to more information related to the health index. On the top-right side of the screen there is a button for alternating between the list format and pie chart format.
The list is sorted by health as standard and shows the quantity of spots (predictive) and routes (sensitive) with active A1 and A2 alerts, as well as delayed and unaccomplished routes (sensitive)
When the spot viewer is opened for any spot, the ‘path’ of the spot will be displayed at the top of the screen. The path shows the different levels of the asset tree for which the spot is located. This update will help users to verify that the spot that was accessed is correct, in case there are various spots with the same name, for example.
Spots that have not been collected for at least one month are now highlighted in red on the “last sync” column, with the aim of drawing attention to spots that are not being collected frequently.
In addition, there is now an indication of the battery life of the sensors associated to the spots. The new DynaLogger models generate this indication on the DMA, thus giving visibility to the remaining battery life.
Another improvement is the addition of the overall RMS acceleration values for each axis, which is now visible on the spectral analysis menu. We are also developing trend graphics for these values, which will be released soon.
The way of communicating between users on the Web Platform is upgrading. On the timeline of the Spot Viewer, it was already possible for users to leave a comment on an event (collection, spectrum, parameterization). Now, various users can leave multiple comments on the same event, in the form of a “chat”.
Each comment has details such as the time and date, and it is also possible for users to edit or delete their own comments.
Events that contain comments appear on the timeline highlighted with a red circle, as shown in the example below.
To help users configure gateways and optimize their performance, the Web Platform generates a tip in yellow (image below) when the configured collection interval for a gateway is less than ideal.
When adding a spot to a gateway, the screen ‘Select Spot’ now shows the complete list of spots. A search bar has also been added to facilitate the selection of the desired spot. It is possible to add more than one spot at the same time by clicking on the “+” button to the side of the spots and clicking “ASSOCIATE”. Spots that appear with the cloud icon instead of “+” are already associated to a gateway.
In case the model of a desired bearing doesn’t exist in the bearing database, it’s possible to click on the option “Did not find? Contact us” and request the inclusion of a specific bearing.
APP: New features 2020
The app is used to configure machines, spots and collect data. Read about the updates made in 2020 below:
Define a default spectrum: standardize the data obtained by different users
Faster data synchronization: selection of sub-workspace for initial synchronization
Redesigned snapshot screen: instant readings of acceleration and velocity
It is now possible to register a default spectrum by choosing the configurations of the axes, maximum frequency, and default duration for each spot! This option gives more flexibility to the data collection routine for inspectors, as well as ensuring that “Collector” profiles perform the spectrum correctly by only having the option of a default spectrum.
Our recommendation is that the vibration analyst defines the default, selecting the maximum frequency in Hertz, the duration of the waveform, as well as the axis/axes of the spectra for each spot.
When logging in to the app, the asset tree appears with all of the available sub-workspaces.
We recommend that the user always chooses the lowest level possible from the asset tree, as having less machines and spots to load will speed up the processing the app.
If a DynaLogger has been configured to collect overall acceleration and velocity data, the new snapshot screen will instantly show the readings of these two measurements for the three axes. The outside circle represents the velocity measurement and the inside circle represents acceleration. Based on the configured hardware alerts A1 and A2, the indicator within the circles will change color accordingly (green = no alert, yellow = A1 alert, red = A2 alert).
With what frequency can the Gateway collect data from the DynaLoggers?
The shortest collection time allowed is 30 minutes. This means that every 30 minutes the Gateway can collect data from the sensors within its Bluetooth range.
It is important to know the difference between the concept of collection time and sample interval. The first concerns the Gateway, while the second is a setting chosen for a DynaLogger. The measurements collected by a DynaLogger, obtained according to the sample interval, are saved in the DynaLogger’s internal memory until the Gateway, based on the defined collection time, collects and clears the memory of the DynaLogger.