9.7) Side-by-Side Spectral Comparions

In addition to spectral comparison using a reference spectrum, it is also possible to view two vibration spectra side by side, making it easy to compare vibration spectra collected some time ago at the same spot, and even between different spots.

This option is available to the user on the spectral screen, using the “” button on the upper right of the screen.

Figure: Spectral screen with side-by-side comparison option

Clicking on this button will display a window showing the spectra available for side-by-side comparison.

To select a spectral window, click on the “” button, displayed right next to the window and confirm the selection by clicking on ““. To find the desired spectrum more easily, you can search by machine name, Spot, or sensor number.

Figure: Filter to choose spectral of comparison
This tool can be useful in fault diagnosis. The analyst can, for example, compare side by side spectra or vibration waveforms of the same spot, on different collection dates, making clear the evolution of vibration amplitude or even the appearance of new failure frequencies at the spot.

Figure: Waveform spectral comparison 
In addition, after viewing the spectra, you can access all the tools to do a more detailed analysis on each of the viewed spectra.



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