Do I need to update the system?

We suggest that you always have the updated version of the app. To do this, access the Google Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS) and download the latest version.

The Web Platform is updated automatically, so no action is required.

Can I monitor more than one machine with the same DynaLogger?

No. The DynaLogger should be fixed on the machine to be monitored and configured to obtain measurements from that specific machine, thus generating a reliable history of data. In addition, many machines may need more than one point to be monitored, according to the need and degree of monitoring desired by your company. To find out more about installation and mounting of sensors, see “Mounting“. 

Can DynaLoggers be used in explosive areas?

Yes. In Brazil, the DynaLogger is ANATEL approved and INMETRO certified for Explosive Atmospheres/IP Code.

Outside of Brazil, the DynaLogger has the following certifications: FCC (United States), CE RED (Europe), IC (Canada) and RCM (Australia).

For more information, get in touch with our support team (

3.1.2) Maximum Frequency, Duration and Resolution

In DynaLoggers, when requesting a vibration spectrum (via Gateway or App), it is possible to set the duration of the collection time made by the sensor on the waveform and it is also possible to choose the maximum frequency (max frequency).

The number of turns  and the number of lines will change depending on the choices made in these parameters. The relationship of number of lines and collection duration (per frequency) for each DynaLogger model is shown below:

Figure: Settings for maximum frequency duration and respective number of lines. DynaLogger TcA+ above, DynaLogger HF below.
The collection duration reflects the signal acquisition in time (waveform). The maximum frequency chosen will be the data range converted to the frequency domain (Hz or CPM). This configuration can be done via the Dyna-Predict mobile application or via the Web Platform in the “Settings” tab, as shown in the following pictures.

Figure: Web Platform Interface for Spectral Configuration

Figure: Spectral monitoring settings details

The user, when selecting the “collection duration” (Tcollection), is also changing the number of temporal samples that the sensor will collect, which is 2x the Number of lines (shown in the image of the sensor models). The expected number of lines for the spectra, using only the maximum frequency information and the collection duration is given by:

Both numbers (of samples and lines) affect the signal resolution, in waveform and vibration spectrum respectively. The spectral resolution can be calculated based on the maximum frequency or simply on the sampling duration
Example: suppose you choose a maximum frequency of 6400 Hz, with a duration of 2.56 seconds. The resolution in the spectrum will be:

Whereas if a duration of only 0.08 second is chosen. The resolution will be:

In summary, the spectrum resolution will be extremely impaired with such a low time duration, because the signal is collected with a lower level of detail.

Visual Examples

Case 1 – Short time of collection

In this case the DynaLogger TcA+ was used for measurement with a maximum acquisition frequency of 1024 Hz and collection time duration of 0.5 s. Using the equations above one can expect a resolution at the frequency of 2 Hz and expect to get around 512 lines in the spectrum.

Figure: Vibration spectrum with 2 Hz resolution with zoom in the range 0 to 100 Hz.
As expected, the short duration of the collection time leads to low spectral resolution. It can be seen in the picture that the frequencies adjacent to the peak frequency have their amplitude recorded around this frequency, making the decay of the peak frequency slow, making analysis around the peak frequency difficult, or in some cases impossible.

Case 2 – Long collection time

For this case the DynaLogger TcA+ was used again for measurement at the same maximum frequency of 1024 Hz, however the collection duration was increased to 4 s. Using the equations again, one can expect a resolution at a frequency of 0.25 Hz and around 4096 lines in the spectrum, an 8-fold increase in the number of spectral lines compared to the previous case.


Figure: Vibration spectrum with 0.25 Hz resolution with zoom in the frequency range 0 to 100 Hz.
Comparing the cases it is noted that the acquisition done with a longer collection time duration allows a better definition of the peak frequency and that adjacent frequencies are better accounted for, which allows frequency analysis very close to the peak frequency.

It is worth noting that increasing the sample duration also leads to longer post-processing and data transfer time. However, whenever possible, the user should choose a longer collection time in order to increase their spectral discretization.


3.3) Bearing Registration

The Spot center, a screen that displays the settings saved in each Spot, is accessible from several locations within the Web Platform, such as from the asset tree.
When accessing the Spot Center, in the third tab “Bearings” it will be possible to add one or more bearing models to the Spot. This will be useful for later analysis of the measurements to be performed by vibration analysts.

Figure: Bearings Tab

In the Web Platform there is a database with approx. 70,000 bearing models already registered. In addition, it is possible to add more than one bearing and rename them conveniently.

Figure: Registration of bearings with main bearing specification

Note: If more than one bearing model is added, it is mandatory to indicate which is the main bearing, that is, the one closest to the sensor on site. This will receive a star symbol indicating that it is the main bearing.

3.4) Frequency registration

In the “Frequencies” tab of the Spot Center it will be possible to register specific frequencies for each Spot. These markers can be used in all spectra of this spot, as well as the markers of the machine where it is registered.

Figure: Frequency registration
If a marker has already been registered on the machine where the Spot is located, the marker will previously appear in the list. Otherwise, the list of markers will be empty. To add a new marker, click on “” in the upper right corner.
In the window that opens, you need to enter the name of the marker, the unit, the specific frequency where it will be inserted, bandwidth (thickness of the cursor created), number of harmonics and color of the marker.

Figure: Registration of customized frequencies in the Spot
The Platform allows, per Spot, the registration of up to 20 customized frequency markers. The registration will be saved, as per the example below.

Figure: Example of registering custom frequencies in Spot
The display of these markers will be available for toggling in each of the spectra obtained for the Spot, as in the example below.

Figure: Frequency markers in vibration spectrum


3.5) Viewing Preferences

Also within the Spot Center, it is possible to define standardized visualization parameters for different screens of the Web Platform. The objective is to save viewing preferences for the referred Spot, in order to make navigation faster and, consequently, gain productivity in analysis.

Figure: Viewing preference settings
Spot Viewer: On this screen you can pre-set the default time period displayed when the user accesses the Spot continuous data history. The functionality impacts the way information in other fields is displayed, such as the timeline, charts, events, and predictive analytics. You can select time ranges or even a fixed date.

Envelope Settings: in the Envelope Settings option it is possible to customize and define filters so that when the user selects the option in the spectrum analysis, it is already previously set as can be seen in the picture below. Likewise, it is also possible to define the maximum display frequency, whose value is customizable or even automatically defined by the Platform according to the main registered bearing model, taking into account the 4xBPFI reference (passage of rolling elements on the internal race) and the defined RPM.

Figure: Envelope filter already customized based on viewing preferences


Spectral Trend: Similar to the Spot Viewer preferences, the Spectral Trend screen can be configured to define the standard graphs to be viewed by all users for that Spot. By default, the active graphs are always “RMS Acceleration – Global, RMS Velocity – Global and RMS Displacement – Global”. However, there are many other graphs available that may be even more useful in visualizing faults for the different types of assets monitored by Dynamox sensors.

Figure: Spectral Trend Graph Viewing Preferences


To select other graph types, simply click on “” and a new screen with options will be shown:

Figure: Spectral trend options


The graphs chosen in this viewing preference feature will be shown on the spectral trend screen, as per the example below.

Figure: Spectral Trend with Saved Graphics via Viewing Preference.



4) Spot Edition

After creating a Spot, it may be necessary to do some parameter editing.
In the case of Web Platform editing, there are different paths that lead to the same editing screen.

1) Through the “Spots” option in the Side Menu (image below):  this screen shows all the Spots already created within the Web Platform for the chosen workspace level.
At the top of the screen you can search for a specific Spot and access its editing screen through the gear icon highlighted in red on the picture.

Figure: Editing Spots via the side menu, “Spots” tab

2) Through the DMA Dashboard: in the row of each registered Spot, there is a gear symbol that allows access to the editing screen of the spot in question.

Figure: Editing Spots via the DMA Dashboard

3) From the Spot Viewer (data history) screen of each Spot: the option is available at the top of the screen “Edit Spot”.

Figure: Editing a Spot using the “Spot Viewer” screen

4) Through the Asset Tree: after accessing the “” mode, the user simply clicks on the gear symbol “” of the Spot that he wishes to edit.

Figure: Spot Editing via the Asset Tree.

The 4 options listed above will allow the same edits to be made to the Spots. These edits are essentially the same as those that were previously registered in the Spot setup, described in the previous  “Creating Spots” sections.



5) Spot List

The Spots screen, accessed through the side menu, brings information regarding all the monitoring points registered below or at the level accessed by the user, respecting the hierarchy of the asset tree. It also brings information about which machine the spot belongs to, if there is (or not) a DynaLogger associated, its model and serial number.

Figure: Spot List

Using the gear symbol, the Web Platform allows users (editors and administrators) to make changes to the spots they want. After clicking on it, the “Spots Creation / Configuration” screen will be displayed.



6) Dashboard DMA

The goal of the DMA Dashboard is to support maintenance decision making and interventions by providing an overview of the Spots condition, based on previous measurements and user-defined alerts (A1 and A2).

Figure: DMA Dashboard

The Dashboard consists of the following columns:

Status:  shows the current state of the spot, informing whether it has exceeded the A1 and A2 alert limits, of continuous level or by band, defined in the spot’s registration. The status is updated at each new collection performed by the application or by the Gateway.

Report: status of the last “predictive analysis” performed, as well as the status of progress (open, in progress, resolved). By clicking on any of the report icons, the respective predictive report previously performed by the analyst will be opened.

Machine: Name of the machine to which the Spot is registered.

Subset: subdivision of a machine, according to the asset tree. 

Component: subdivision of a subarea, according to the asset tree.

Spot: name of the monitoring point.

Trend: analyzes the Spot’s variation over time. Each circle represents the worst alert level (A1 and A2) exceeded for each of the last seven days prior to the last collection date. By hovering the cursor over the circles, it is possible to view the date, the alert violated, and the estimated time that this Spot was on alert.

Median Velocity: median value of the RMS velocity on the day of collections. The arrow next to the value indicates the variation from the day before the last collection.

Median Temperature: median value of the temperature, in ºC, on the day of collections. The arrow next to the value indicates the variation in relation to the day before the last collection.

Median Acceleration: median value of the RMS acceleration on the day of collections. The arrow next to the value indicates the variation in relation to the day before the last collection.

Vel % of A2: Displays the percentage difference between the median value in RMS velocity and the A2 alarm level, in relation to the last day of collections. To learn how to configurate these levels, please refer to  “Spots Creation / Configuration”. This indicator considers the configuration of “Spot operating levels” in order to disregard downtime values.

Temp % of A2: resents the percentage difference between the median value in temperature and the A2 alarm level, in relation to the last day of collections. This indicator considers the configuration of “Spot operating levels” in order to disregard downtime values.

Accel % of A2: presents the percentage difference between the median value in RMS acceleration and the A2 alarm level, in relation to the last day of collections. This indicator takes into account the configuration of “Spot operating levels” in order to disregard downtime values.

BAT: Estimation of the remaining battery of the DynaLogger associated to the Spot.

MEM: indicates the remaining storage capacity of the DynaLogger memory. The memory length depends on the sampling interval, i.e. how often the DynaLogger collects and stores data. This interval can be queried by hovering the mouse over the memory card icon of the desired spot. They are divided into 4 colors:

 More than 40% free memory.

Between 20% and 40% free memory.
 Less than 20% free memory;

Memory full. When this happens, the DynaLogger stops collecting data, keeping the already collected data.

Note: Whenever data from a DynaLogger is collected, either by the Application or by the Gateway, the internal memory of the device gets cleared.

Gateway: if the Spot is associated with a gateway, for automated collection, the gateway’s serial number will be shown. If the user wants to access information about a specific gateway, just click on the serial number.

Last General Synchronization: Shows the date of the last synchronization, that is, the date of the last measurement collected for this Spot.

Last Continuous Synchronization: Shows the date of the last continuous synchronization, that is, the date of the last continuous data collection collected for this Spot.

Last Spectral Synchronization: shows the date of the last spectral synchronization, that is, date of the last spectrum for that spot.

Filter Columns in Tables: through the “” option located in the lower left corner of the DMA screen, a window opens listing all columns that can be displayed/hidden. This allows the user to determine which columns will be shown in the tables, in order to display only the relevant  items to the analysis at the time.

Figure: Selectable columns in the DMA

In addition, in the upper left corner of the page there is a search bar and an advanced filter, which allows you to search by various options, such as by a machine, Spot, or serial number of a specific DynaLogger.

Figure: Advanced filters and search bar

In addition, by selecting the “” option at the end of each of the Dashboard lines, quick shortcuts are shown so that the user can continue navigating the Platform and obtain specific informations from the spots.


Figure: Navigation shortcuts