2.1) User Management

In order to allow a sustainable and organized management within the system, different profiles have been created for the users. In summary, there are 5 profiles: administrator, editor, collector, reader, and subscriber. Below it’s listed all permissions for each role:

Figure: Permissions per user type
*Note: Users with the ‘subscriber’ can also have the Reader / Collector / Editor / Administrator permission, because this profile only refers to alert receiving via email.

Users with “Administrator” permission can add or remove other users, as well as edit permission levels. This is achieved through the “” option at the top right of the Asset Tree screen, followed by the option ““, alongside the desired level.

In the “Users” tab, a quick search field and a list of all users associated with the given workspace will be displayed. For each user listed you can edit permission ” ” or remove them ““.

Figure: Configuring User Permissions
For an administrator to add a new user to the workspace, simply click on “+ User”, define the permission level and save. An e-mail invitation will be sent to the new user’s e-mail address, through which they can create a password to use the Plataform.

Note: for the Sensitive module, it will also be possible to add, in addition to the permissions shown above, another three (3) permissions: Electrical Inspector, Mechanical Inspector and Lubricator. These three profiles give the respective user permission to perform sensitive inspections on field, that is, to answer checklists of registered machines within their inspection routes. There is no level difference between these 3 permissions, therefore they should be assigned according to the nature of the user’s work.


Is the use of the Gateway mandatory?

The use of the Gateways in the implementation of the system is optional, since its functions can be done in a non-automated way via the app. Its use, however, allows the automation of data collection and sending to the DynaPredict Web Platform, removing the need for the operator to go into the field and making the data available for more frequent analysis.

Is the battery replaceable?

For robustness purposes, the case of the device is inviolable, so it is not possible to change the battery. However, the battery’s excellent service life guarantees its usability for a long period of time.

Is it possible to integrate the data with other platforms?

In general, yes. Dynamox has a very clear policy that the data belongs to the customer, who can request to download the data at any time. Direct integrations have also been carried out with distinct data history and maintenance software. 

It’s all a matter of better understanding the customer’s needs and discussing the possible forms of integration.