WEB: September/2023

Software: DynaPredict Web Platform

New Version: 3.22.0

Here are the release notes for version 3.22.0 of the DynaPredict Web Platform, with the new features listed:

1) A2 forecast now appears as an event in your timeline

With this update, if the asset is expected to trigger an A2 alert within the next 30 days, the information will appear as an event on your timeline, making it easier to visualize and identify the forecast.

By the way…

Are you already using the DynaPredict Web Platform forecasting tool?

It is a tool that allows users to manage maintenance actions for their assets in advance. With the forecast, you can view projections of telemetry graphs and spectral metrics and check the DMA to see if any future A2 alerts are expected, as in the image below. This ensures greater assertiveness and reduces the time the analyst needs to spend looking for points with a critical trend for analysis.

2) Spectral logarithmic scale

Logarithmic representation is an alternative way of visualizing spectra. It is mainly applicable in cases where very different magnitude values are expected to be displayed on the same graph. This tool will help you detect failures in two ways:

– Log X scale will help in spectra analysis, allowing low and high frequencies to be visualized together.

– Log Y scale will mainly help in the analysis of spectra that have peaks of great magnitude and elevations of the spectral carpet, which often remain unnoticed because of these peaks, but which can be analyzed together with the log Y visualization.

  • 3D DynaNeo

Now, the DynaPredict Web Platform offers a 3D version of the DynaNeo tool. In other words, you can create much more intuitive dashboards, obtaining an immersive experience when viewing the assets installed in your plant. This makes it easier to identify alerts and speeds up the mapping and decision-making process.

WEB: May/2023

Always seeking to update its analysis tools and facilitate the use of the Web Platform, Dynamox has just released another series of new features. 

Check out the main updates in the latest version below: 





New spectral metrics screen  




Customize your company’s asset management process and have a more interactive analysis  

DynaNeo is a visual management dashboard, which combines information from the DynaPredict environment into an integrated visualization. The functionality allows the calculation of the reliability of a process based on the indicators of interest to the user. The DynaNeo is customizable, interactive, visual, and conclusive.  

With DynaNeo, you can easily explain the maintenance process through visual management. With this solution, you can quickly find the alarmed assets and visualize the consequences of breakage or maintenance. In addition, it is possible to configure the relevant indicators for the application and set the desired reliability percentage.  


Project future spectral and telemetry alarms to schedule maintenance actions.  

Spot Viewer and DMA now feature the Prediction tool, which will help you analyze your data more efficiently. 

This tool allows you to project telemetry data and spectral metrics based on a recent history, allowing you to identify monitoring points that are evolving and schedule maintenance actions.  


Spectral Metrics

Ensure a more complete analysis of the information.  

The Spectral Trend screen has been renamed; it is now called Spectral Metrics. The data on the screen is still the same, it has just changed its access location and has improved data visualization.   

The page is now integrated as a new tab in the Spot Viewer, offering the same telemetry-compatible features and tools. 

It also allows visual customization of the graphs. This upgrade makes it easier to view the spectral data and provides a more complete analysis of the information, with all three tabs available in one place. 


Interface change for better usability  

The checklists have been updated with a more visual interface, resulting in better usability. Checklist creation is centralized, bringing together the name and type screens with question settings on one screen. 

Before creating a checklist, it is possible to get detailed information about the options available for each checklist type. The user can review the configuration steps and see how the checklist will look in the application. 

The old Standard Checklist is now called Free Checklist, keeping all the previous functionalities. The user can create a checklist, assign a name, and configure the questions. 

During the setup process, there is a new playback option. The play button is available in all stages, allowing the user to test the checklist execution and preview what it will look like before saving. 

When adding a Free Checklist, the user can select whether the question will be single choice, multiple choice, or manual measurement. In addition, you can change the order of the question alternatives by clicking and dragging to the desired position (Drag&Drop). 



3.1) Web: Spots creation and Configuration

A Spot (monitoring point) can be created directly within a machine, subset or component.

To start creating, simply select the “” option in the Asset Tree, followed by the “create” button, represented by the “” icon, at the desired level.

Finally, you must select the option to create Spot through the “” icon.

Figure: Spot Criation

After the creation, a new registration drawer, with configuration steps will be presented.

First, it is necessary to add the Spot identification, that is, the name given to the monitoring point. Then, you must choose the sensor model that you want to register in this point: TcA+, TcA, AS, HF, RE, HF+, TcAg or TcAs. (Information available in the body of the DynaLogger).

*Note: To effectively associate a DynaLogger to the refered Spot, it is necessary to access the mobile application since the sensor communicates via Bluetooth. For further information about associating a sensor to a Spot, please refer to the DynaPredict Application Manual, Predictive module.

Figure: Spot Information Tab
Following the required settings:

– RPM: rotations per minute of the closest rotating component to the mounting location of the chosen sensor.

– MONITORING LOCATION: Type of component/equipment to which the DynaLogger will be attached to.

– AXIS ORIENTATION: defines the positioning orientation of the DynaLogger that will be installed. The fixed orientation of the DynaLoggers is displayed on the body or label of the devices. Based on this orientation, the user must select the actual positioning given to the DynaLogger installed referring to the machine.

– DYNAMIC RANGE: parameter that delimits the maximum vibration level that can be measured by the DynaLogger. The 4 options are ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g. This item is important for quality measurement. An incorrectly chosen dynamic range may result in saturation of the signal or loss of resolution and measurement quality. We recommend selecting the lowest value that comprises the normal vibration of the machine, and leaving a certain margin in case that any amplitude evolves. For example, the appearance of a defect in the monitored component. More information in “How to choose the dynamic range”

– CONTINUOUS MONITORING: the sample interval parameter is the value that defines how often will the DynaLogger turn itself on and collect vibration and temperature measurements. These measurements will be stored in the DynaLogger’s internal memory and will be waiting for collection via application or gateway.

This will later generate a data history that is accessible on the Web Platform.

The complementary item “Metrics” defines which magnitudes will be collected at each sample interval configured above.

Note: any value from 1 to 60 min is available for selection in the sample interval field.

– SPOT OPERATION LEVELS: This setting is optional and serves to register the machine’s hour meter in operation or under stress, that is, based on the machine’s vibration levels, the system counts the operation time in each situation. To use this option, simply activate the symbol and, in metrics, choose between velocity and acceleration. Then you must select the axis that you want to monitor (or all axes) and enter minimum operating thresholds, i.e. below which level the machine will be considered turned off. The user may also define a maximum stress threshold, above which machine will be considered in stress operation.

Figure: Stressed and Stopped Machine Configuration Levels
– SPECTRAL MONITORING: this setting is mandatory and defines the duration and maximum frequency characteristics of the standard spectrum.

This is important for Spots that will be collected later by gateways or Spots that will be collected by different inspectors via App, because a collection pattern will be generated. This pattern makes the analysis more assertive and afterwards vibration analysts will make the predictive reports.

The “Monitored Axes” option determines the axes to be collected. It’s possible to select the unixial or triaxial collection option, as shown in the image below.

Next you must choose the maximum collection frequency:

Figure: Max. frequency options
The collection duration field corresponds to the signal acquisition time, that is, the time of the waveform. The options vary according to the selected maximum frequency, therefore pay attention to the trade-off between maximum frequency and desired duration.

The number of turns and the number of lines will change according to the choices in the fields above, and the rpm determined at the point. Below there’s an example for the case of RPM = 2400.

Figure: No.of turns with the chosen 13145 Hz, 0.62s, 2400 RPM configuration.
When finishing and saving the desired settings, the monitoring point will be created.

Remember that this process only creates the monitoring point (Spot). To actually start getting vibration and temperature data from this location, you must perform the physical installation of the DynaLogger and associate the corresponding serial number via mobile app.

Note: the only mandatory tab to be filled in when creating spots is precisely the one described in this article. The others (Alerts, Bearings, Frequencies, and Viewing Preferences) are important, but are optional and can be done in a second moment, that is, they do not require pre-installation of the sensor on field.

WEB: February/2023

In order to keep it’s analysis tools updated and improve the usability of the Web Platform, Dynamox has just released some new features. Check out the main features of the newest version below: 


DynaDetect – Automated Failure Detection Tool
New Spot Center



DynaDetect – Automated Failure Detection Tool

DynaDetect is the new DynaPredict Solution’s automated diagnosis tool for asset failure, based on measurements generated by DynaLoggers. It is focused on those who need agility and reliability in the asset management routine. With its use you can view automated diagnoses that highlight machines with possible indications of failure, and identify the severity of these failures. The objective of these automated diagnoses is to assist the technician and increase the assertiveness of the analysis, as well as to support the manager in asset maintenance planning and decision making.

DynaDetect uses user-entered information such as asset type, machine characteristics, and monitoring location along with data from remote sensing to generate automated diagnoses. With the proper configuration, it is possible to detect mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic failures such as: unbalance; stiffness loss; misalignment; structural looseness; bearing wear; gearing defect; rotor bar defect; stator defect; hydrodynamic defect; aerodynamic defect, and cavitation.

Want to know more? Contact us.

New Spot Center

The Spot center, the screen where all the settings for the monitoring points are defined, underwent a major adjustment aiming at better usability when creating or editing the Spots.

The parameters that you already know were redistributed in new tabs, so that their identification is easier.

In addition, the section for setting the Operation Levels now has an illustrative chart, in order to clarify its concepts and help the user define the most appropriate values.

APP: September/2020

Continuously looking to evolve the analysis tools and facilitate the use of the Web Platform, Dynamox has just launched a series of new features. Check out the main updates for the latest version below:

Autorange for default spectral
Creation of Subsets and Components
Vibration alerts per axis
Addition of asynchronous axes
Search for DynaLogger on the scan screen


You no longer need to worry about adjusting the dynamic range when performing default spectral. On the configure spot screen, the option ‘Autorange’ is now available.

By selecting this option, each time the user performs default spectral, the app will connect to the DynaLogger and take a brief measurement. This measurement detects the most suitable dynamic range for the current vibration conditions of the spot and applies it to the default measurements.





It is now also possible to create more levels within a machine, with the subset and component options.

To create a subset on the app, enter a machine and touch the blue “+” button, then select “Add Subset”. Multiple subsets can be created in the same machine.




Within a “subset” it is possible to create components. This is done in a similar way to creating subsets, by touching the blue “+” button and selecting “Add Component”.

It’s worth remembering that spots can be created at any level (Machine, Subset or Component). This new function aims to help with the organization of spots in machines that possess a large number of spots in various positions.


    Screenshot_20201002-142639_DynaPredict.jpg  Screenshot_20201002-142709_DynaPredict.jpg



The user now has the option to register a hardware alert (LED) for one axis only. This is done on the spot settings screen, when configuring the alerts. The user must specify which axis the alert will be associated to, or if the user wishes to associate the alerts to all three axes, this can be done by selecting “All Axes”





The DynaLogger AS now has more flexibility with its configurations. The user can choose in which axis to apply the asynchronous measurements. It’s also possible to continue with triaxial asynchronous measurements, by selecting the checkbox for all of the axes.





The serial number, or dyid, of a DynaLogger can be used to refine the search results when performing a scan of visible DynaLoggers on the app. To do this, perform a scan of DynaLoggers as normal, wait for the process to finish and a search symbol (magnifying glass) will appear at the top of the screen. Touch the search symbol and start typing the serial number (or part of the serial number) and the results will be filtered by this data.


      Screenshot_20201002-142036_DynaPredict.jpg  B2.jpg  Screenshot_20201002-142151_DynaPredict.jpg​​​​​​​

Android: July/2022

Dynamox has just released a series of new upgrades to the Android version of the DynaPredict App. Check out the key features of version 4.19.5 below. 


  • Sensitivive Analysis Report 
  • Added “Back to Top” Button on the “Rolls” Checklist Type 



With the new Sensitivity Analysis Report tool it is possible to register anomalies in assets and sub-areas without the need to be linked to scheduled and routine inspections.  This way of recording irregularities outside a predetermined route has its advantages, such as: 

  • The inspector sees a problem in assets that are not in the route in that moment can report the abnormality via the new function. 
  • In case an authorized employee notices something unusual in an asset that is not inspected at any route, it is possible to notify the occurred. 
  • If an already performed/closed route does not have consistent content, you can add information 

 To iniciate the procedure, by the latereal menu, click on “Sensitivity Analysis Report” and then in the symbol “+” to begin the registration. 

On the following screen, it will be necessary to fill in some fields to feed the report with relevant information to the occurrence registration. The main topics are detailed below: 

  • Asset: click on “Associate Asset” and choose in the asset tree the machine, subset or the component in question. 
  • Detected Failure: click “Add” and select which failure is detected. You can select more than one answer, as many as identified. 
  • Criticality level: choose the appropriate criticality 
  • Diagnosis: describe in detail what was found. 
  • Recommended Action: describe the action that is recommended to correct the failure. For example, if the detected failure was Material Accumulation, the recommended action could be “Promote cleaning”. 
  • Attachments: you can write an observation, record an audio, and take a picture, to make the report more complete. 


To guarantee a better navigation to the user, a “back to top” button has been included in the “Rolls” checklist, so that it is possible to return to the top of the screen when entering information, making it easier to enter information for the next roll.