7) Alert visualization in the Asset Tree

Another possible page for viewing alerts, in addition to the DMA screen, is the asset tree screen.
Before getting into the detail of the alerts, at the top of the page is the search field to search by subwork areas, machines, subsets, components and Spots.
Note: If the search is for a component, subset or Spot, it is necessary to expand the machine where these are located so that the Platform can search the items within it.

Figure: Asset Tree and Search Bar

Next to the name of each workspace, folder and machine is a circle indicating the number of monitored points that have or have not triggered one of the alerts (A1/A2). The arrangement of the alert icons is as follows:
Alert A2: When you hover the mouse over the red icon, the number of A2 and A1 alerts that have been triggered will be displayed. By priority, the number in the center of the circle refers only to A2 (red) alerts.
Alert A1: When you hover the mouse over the yellow icon, the number of triggered A1 alerts will be displayed. The number in the center of the circle refers only to alerts of type A1 (yellow).
No alerts: The condition of the selected level is within the normal range defined by alerts in the platform, with no alerts triggered. This icon will also be displayed in cases where no alert has been registered.
Note: If the selected level is a folder, machine, subset or component, i.e, that can have more than one Spot associated, when you hover the mouse over the alerts icon in the asset tree, the number of each of the aforementioned status types will be displayed, as follows:

Figure: Alerts tab




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