12) Gateways

The DynaGateway is the automated data collector for the Dyna-Predict and its purpose is to interact with the DynaLoggers within its bluetooth range, collecting measurements and requesting spectra according to user-defined time intervals. The collected data is sent directly to the Web Platform via Wi-Fi, Ethernet and Mobile Networks (according to the model chosen).

In the Web Platform, the user has the possibility to manage the Gateways, associated to the Desktop, through the Gateways screen. To access this screen, use the predictive section, from the side menu, and select the “Gateways” option.

Picture: Information tab of the Gateways of the selected workarea.

Accessing this screen you will find a list of all the Gateways that have been associated as well as information about their operation.
For more information about the prerequisites for operating the device, as well as the system configuration and management screens, refer to the Gateway User Manual.


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