Where is the historic data stored?

Dynamox sensors have an internal memory for storing collected data (based on the sample interval) from the machine in which they are installed. 

To unload the data from the sensors, simply collect it via Bluetooth with the app or DynaGateway.

Subsequently, the data is sent to the DynaPredict Web Platform, where all of the historical data of continuous measurements and vibration spectra are available to access. 

What type of companies use DynaPredict?

The DynaPredict solution is used in various industrial sectors, including:

– Pulp and Paper              – Mining

– Tobacco                         – Automotive   

– Sugar                             – Food and drink

Our DynaLoggers serve all sizes of business. Some of our clients include: Vale, Klabin, Eucatex, Souza Cruz and Arauco.

Is it possible to integrate the data with other platforms?

In general, yes. Dynamox has a very clear policy that the data belongs to the customer, who can request to download the data at any time. Direct integrations have also been carried out with distinct data history and maintenance software. 

It’s all a matter of better understanding the customer’s needs and discussing the possible forms of integration.

Is Dynamox a Brazilian company?

Yes. The company is located in city of Florianópolis, in the Santa Catarina state.

The company also has employees in other states to support clients in other regions of the country.

In addition, there are some third-party companies that represent Dynamox in other countries.