Is the battery replaceable?

For robustness purposes, the case of the device is inviolable, so it is not possible to change the battery. However, the battery’s excellent service life guarantees its usability for a long period of time.

How many DynaLoggers are necessary to monitor a machine?

The number of measurement points for each machine depends on its size and complexity, as well as the degree of monitoring that you wish to employ. Normally, the person responsible for maintenance, or another employee that knows the machine well, should know which points are most critical and require monitoring. If necessary, we can assist in choosing the monitoring points.

How many DynaLoggers are necessary to monitor a machine?

The number of measurement points for each machine depends on its size and complexity, as well as the degree of monitoring that you wish to employ. Normally, the person responsible for maintenance, or another employee that knows the machine well, should know which points are most critical and require monitoring. If necessary, we can assist in choosing the monitoring points.

How long does the battery last?

Depending on usage, i.e. the sample interval chosen for the DynaLoggers, the number of sprectra obtained, the number of collections performed and the temperature exposure. In normal conditions, it is estimated to last for 3 years. 

Can DynaLoggers be used in explosive areas?

Yes. In Brazil, the DynaLogger is ANATEL approved and INMETRO certified for Explosive Atmospheres/IP Code.

Outside of Brazil, the DynaLogger has the following certifications: FCC (United States), CE RED (Europe), IC (Canada) and RCM (Australia).

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