Which data are collected by the DynaLoggers?

In general, the sensors take two types of measurement:

  • Continuous, where the sensor collects vibration data (velocity and/or acceleration) and temperature based on a sample interval chosen by the user.
  • Vibration spectra, which are collected on demand by the mobile app or on a schedule defined by the Gateway. Spectra and waveform are available in terms of acceleration, velocity and displacement. The frequency and maximum duration depends on the model of  the DynaLogger adquired.   

What is the storage capacity (internal memory) of a DynaLogger?

The DynaPredict devices have 20MB of internal memory. In relation to the number of samples that the DynaLogger can store internally, there are 8,192 possible samples.

By default, when the app collects from the DynaLogger the internal memory of the device is erased, making it possible to store more data in the future.  

What is a DynaLogger?

DynaLogger is the name given to the data loggers produced by Dynamox. There are several models available for different types of machine and vibration behavior. To learn more about the models, click here.

What certifications do the Dynaloggers have?

In Brazil, the DynaLogger is ANATEL approved and INMETRO certified for Explosive Atmospheres/IP Code.

The HF, TcA+ and AS DynaLoggers have IP66 and IP68 certifications.

Outside of Brazil, the DynaLogger has the following certifications: FCC (United States), CE RED (Europe), IC (Canada), RCM (Australia).

Certification for SDPPI (Indonesia) is currently in progress.

Which models of DynaLoggers are available?

Today, 3 models of DynaLogger are available:

DynaLogger HF + : Triaxial temperature and vibration monitoring with a maximum frequency of 13000 Hz, performing telemetry and spectral analysis
DynaLogger TcAs : Triaxial vibration and temperature monitoring with frequency up to 2500 Hz, performing telemetry and spectral analysis
DynaLogger TcAg ​​​​​​​: Triaxial vibration and temperature monitoring with a maximum frequency of 2500 Hz. 

More information about the models can be obtained from their datasheets, available here.