3.1) Web: Spots creation and Configuration

A Spot (monitoring point) can be created directly within a machine, subset or component.

To start creating, simply select the “” option in the Asset Tree, followed by the “create” button, represented by the “” icon, at the desired level.

Finally, you must select the option to create Spot through the “” icon.

Figure: Spot Criation

After the creation, a new registration drawer, with configuration steps will be presented.

First, it is necessary to add the Spot identification, that is, the name given to the monitoring point. Then, you must choose the sensor model that you want to register in this point: TcA+, TcA, AS, HF, RE, HF+, TcAg or TcAs. (Information available in the body of the DynaLogger).

*Note: To effectively associate a DynaLogger to the refered Spot, it is necessary to access the mobile application since the sensor communicates via Bluetooth. For further information about associating a sensor to a Spot, please refer to the DynaPredict Application Manual, Predictive module.

Figure: Spot Information Tab
Following the required settings:

– RPM: rotations per minute of the closest rotating component to the mounting location of the chosen sensor.

– MONITORING LOCATION: Type of component/equipment to which the DynaLogger will be attached to.

– AXIS ORIENTATION: defines the positioning orientation of the DynaLogger that will be installed. The fixed orientation of the DynaLoggers is displayed on the body or label of the devices. Based on this orientation, the user must select the actual positioning given to the DynaLogger installed referring to the machine.

– DYNAMIC RANGE: parameter that delimits the maximum vibration level that can be measured by the DynaLogger. The 4 options are ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g. This item is important for quality measurement. An incorrectly chosen dynamic range may result in saturation of the signal or loss of resolution and measurement quality. We recommend selecting the lowest value that comprises the normal vibration of the machine, and leaving a certain margin in case that any amplitude evolves. For example, the appearance of a defect in the monitored component. More information in “How to choose the dynamic range”

– CONTINUOUS MONITORING: the sample interval parameter is the value that defines how often will the DynaLogger turn itself on and collect vibration and temperature measurements. These measurements will be stored in the DynaLogger’s internal memory and will be waiting for collection via application or gateway.

This will later generate a data history that is accessible on the Web Platform.

The complementary item “Metrics” defines which magnitudes will be collected at each sample interval configured above.

Note: any value from 1 to 60 min is available for selection in the sample interval field.

– SPOT OPERATION LEVELS: This setting is optional and serves to register the machine’s hour meter in operation or under stress, that is, based on the machine’s vibration levels, the system counts the operation time in each situation. To use this option, simply activate the symbol and, in metrics, choose between velocity and acceleration. Then you must select the axis that you want to monitor (or all axes) and enter minimum operating thresholds, i.e. below which level the machine will be considered turned off. The user may also define a maximum stress threshold, above which machine will be considered in stress operation.

Figure: Stressed and Stopped Machine Configuration Levels
– SPECTRAL MONITORING: this setting is mandatory and defines the duration and maximum frequency characteristics of the standard spectrum.

This is important for Spots that will be collected later by gateways or Spots that will be collected by different inspectors via App, because a collection pattern will be generated. This pattern makes the analysis more assertive and afterwards vibration analysts will make the predictive reports.

The “Monitored Axes” option determines the axes to be collected. It’s possible to select the unixial or triaxial collection option, as shown in the image below.

Next you must choose the maximum collection frequency:

Figure: Max. frequency options
The collection duration field corresponds to the signal acquisition time, that is, the time of the waveform. The options vary according to the selected maximum frequency, therefore pay attention to the trade-off between maximum frequency and desired duration.

The number of turns and the number of lines will change according to the choices in the fields above, and the rpm determined at the point. Below there’s an example for the case of RPM = 2400.

Figure: No.of turns with the chosen 13145 Hz, 0.62s, 2400 RPM configuration.
When finishing and saving the desired settings, the monitoring point will be created.

Remember that this process only creates the monitoring point (Spot). To actually start getting vibration and temperature data from this location, you must perform the physical installation of the DynaLogger and associate the corresponding serial number via mobile app.

Note: the only mandatory tab to be filled in when creating spots is precisely the one described in this article. The others (Alerts, Bearings, Frequencies, and Viewing Preferences) are important, but are optional and can be done in a second moment, that is, they do not require pre-installation of the sensor on field.

2.2) Asset Tree Creation

The first step in the process of initiating the deployment of Dynamox’s monitoring system is the creation of the company’s asset tree.

The Asset Tree is a visualization in the shape of a tree, with all the assets in which the system developed by Dynamox will be deployed. This functionality allows an overview of the organizational structure, facilitating the analysis and management of assets, through the hierarchy of units, sectors and machines of the company.

Through asset tree management you can create subworkspaces to reflect your company’s structure. To edit the tree, the user (with administrator permission) must access the “” option, in the upper right corner.
The gear symbol ““, which will appear next to the name of each level will allow you to edit or delete levels. To add sub-levels, the user must click on the “” icon, next to the desired entity.

Figure: Asset tree creation
By selecting the “ ” icon on a workspace, you can create a  subworkspace ” ” or a machine “

Figure: Sub-area configuration

By selecting the Create Subworkspace option, a new window will open, asking for information to create this subfolder. In addition, in the “users” tab, you can manage the users that will have access to this subfolder (for more information on user management, see the next section on user management). After saving, the subfolder will be created. 

Figure: Subworkspace configuration
When creating a machine, you must select the option in light blue. The following information will be requested:

Figure: New Machine Setup Tab
1) Information
  • Machine name (required): used to identify the machine.
  • Machine description (optional): information regarding function, position, shape, etc.
  • Address (optional): Location where the machine is installed. It’s possible to use geo-reference, via Google Maps.
  • Image (optional): it’s possible to register a picture of the machine.
  • Other information: manufacturer, machine model and other items can be optionally entered.

2) Characteristics

– Risk class (optional): Criticality of the machine (Business Risk, A, B, C, D)
– Type (optional): A choice list presents options with different asset types. Depending on the machine chosen, you will be asked for technical data regarding the referred asset model. Below, there is an example on how to fill in the information for a gearbox.

Figure: Filling in the characteristics of the monitored machine
3) Frequencies (optional)

Machine characteristic frequencies can be added in the “Frequencies” tab. Afterwards, the Spots created within that machine will inherit the frequencies created.

The process of inheriting the frequency from the in Spots is detailed in the section “Creating Spots”.

4) Users (optional)

It is possible to register users with machine-level subscriber permissions, so that they can receive notifications via e-mail if any configured alerts are triggered by one or more Spots.

Note: A user will not be able to access, edit or delete the machine to which he/she is subscribed unless he/she has the administrator or editor’s permission at a higher level than the one in the asset tree.

After filling in the requested information and selecting , the machine will be created.

From this created machine level, you can create other new levels using the “” icon next to the desired machine. These are: Subsets (and components), Spots and, for clients of the sensitive module, associate Checklists.

Picture: Options to create subset, component, Spot, and associate checklists
Subset: indicated for large machines with several Spots. It allows a grouping of Spots or checklists within sub-levels of the machine, thus creating a better organization of itself.

Component: in subsets it is possible to even create another level, the component one. These allow one to create Spots and associate checklists separately. The creation process is similar to the procedure for machines/subsets.

 Spot: these are the levels where the vibration and temperature sensors are associated. Within a machine it is possible to create as many Spots as necessary and in each one of them a history of vibration and temperature data will be generated.

Checklist: exclusive to customers of the sensitive module, allows the user to associate the sensitive inspection checklist templates with the referred machine.

Note: The functions described above are only available to users with Administrator permissions.


2.2) Detailed Navigation in the Asset Tree

On the main screen of the Platform, by clicking on the button next to the workspace ““, the user can load different levels of the asset tree, just as in the DynaPredict application.

Figure: Selecting workspace/subarea from the side menu.
The alternative tree will appear on the right part of the screen, where you can select the desired subarea.

Figure: Entry-level selection from the asset tree
This option allows a granularization of what is seen by the user, as it allows them to only access information from a specific area, without having to see information from all the other levels that they can access. 

This option also contributes to a better experience for users who have access to companies, because the Web Platform will load only the data from the selected level, which will facilitate, for example, the visualization of the DMA Dashboard, with more targeted information and fast loading.


3.1.1) How to choose de dynamic range

When setting up a spot, one of the settings to be made is the “Dynamic Range” setup.

The dynamic range is a parameter that delimits the maximum vibration level that can be measured by the DynaLogger sensor. There are 4 options: ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g, as shown in the Figure below.

Figure: Dynamic range interface selection
When installing the DynaLogger on the machine, taking the precautions described in the Getting Started section, the user should choose a dynamic range suitable for the machinery. It is recommended to choose a range that contains the maximum vibration levels that the machine is capable of generating in its typical operating condition, and also to consider a margin. This margin will ensure that in the event of a machine fault developing, which will most likely increase the vibration levels, the DynaLogger will be able to measure these values and the signal saturation does not occur.

If there is no previous knowledge of the vibration levels under normal operating conditions of the machinery or a history that helps in defining the dynamic range, the following procedure can be chosen:

1. At first you can set the dynamic range to a higher value, for example 8g, which is the system’s default setting.
2. Next, you should perform a spectral analysis of the machine in full operation.
3. The waveform (signal in time) should be analyzed, as it will help in the decision-making for correct definition of the dynamic range. Typical cases are dealt with below and come with a respective decision making to fit the dynamic range.

Case 1 – Saturated Measurement

In this case, the measurement taken will have amplitude values equal or greater than the selected dynamic range. The picture below shows a saturated measurement, where the chosen dynamic range was ±2g.
Figure: Saturated measurement: chosen dynamic range of ±2g and measured waveform with peak levels of ±2g or greater. Low frequency dominant signal

In this case you should increase the dynamic range to a higher value. When increasing the dynamic range it is necessary to take a new measurement, obtain a spectrum and check the waveform again. If the levels are within the new dynamic range with a certain amplitude margin, this range can be admitted.

Case 2 –  Unsaturated measurement, but with low margin

In this case the amplitude of the measurement is within the dynamic range, but the captured amplitude values are very close to the set value. If the machinery develops a problem, it is likely that the vibration levels will tend to increase and may exceed the set dynamic range, again saturating the measurement (see case 1). In this case it is only recommended that the user increases the dynamic range to the next level, so that the vibration evolution of the machinery can be observed without saturation.

The Figure below shows the case of an unsaturated measurement, but with low margin. It was ±4g.

Figure: Unsaturated measurement with low margin: chosen dynamic range of ±4g and measured waveform with peak levels at or below approximately ±3.5g

Case 3 – Unsaturated measurement with margin (ideal case)

In this type of measurement, the amplitude levels collected are within the selected dynamic range and still have room for increase. This is the case where the dynamic range is ideal for monitoring machinery. The picture below shows the case of a correctly chosen dynamic range of the sensor.
Figure: Unsaturated measurement with margin: chosen dynamic range of ±8g and measured waveform waveform with peak levels of ±6g or less

Case 4 – Unsaturated measurement, but with a lot of margin

A common mistake is to select a too high dynamic range, i.e. with too much margin between the actual vibration amplitudes of the asset and the dynamic range limit. This type of setting allows the monitoring of the machine without any saturation, however it loses in terms of resolution (signal quality). The dynamic range options available and their respective resolutions are presented in the following table.

Table: Available dynamic range options and their respective resolution
In this case one should assess whether it is possible to decrease the selected dynamic range, improving the resolution according to the Table above. After the change, take another measurement and check if the levels are within the dynamic range with some margin. The following figure shows an unsaturated measurement, but with a lot of margin.

Figure: Unsaturated measurement with too much margin: dynamic range chosen of ±8g and measured waveform with levels equal or smaller than approximately ±2.5g. Suggestion: Change to ±4 g


2.1) User Management

In order to allow a sustainable and organized management within the system, different profiles have been created for the users. In summary, there are 5 profiles: administrator, editor, collector, reader, and subscriber. Below it’s listed all permissions for each role:

Figure: Permissions per user type
*Note: Users with the ‘subscriber’ can also have the Reader / Collector / Editor / Administrator permission, because this profile only refers to alert receiving via email.

Users with “Administrator” permission can add or remove other users, as well as edit permission levels. This is achieved through the “” option at the top right of the Asset Tree screen, followed by the option ““, alongside the desired level.

In the “Users” tab, a quick search field and a list of all users associated with the given workspace will be displayed. For each user listed you can edit permission ” ” or remove them ““.

Figure: Configuring User Permissions
For an administrator to add a new user to the workspace, simply click on “+ User”, define the permission level and save. An e-mail invitation will be sent to the new user’s e-mail address, through which they can create a password to use the Plataform.

Note: for the Sensitive module, it will also be possible to add, in addition to the permissions shown above, another three (3) permissions: Electrical Inspector, Mechanical Inspector and Lubricator. These three profiles give the respective user permission to perform sensitive inspections on field, that is, to answer checklists of registered machines within their inspection routes. There is no level difference between these 3 permissions, therefore they should be assigned according to the nature of the user’s work.


3.1.2) Maximum Frequency, Duration and Resolution

In DynaLoggers, when requesting a vibration spectrum (via Gateway or App), it is possible to set the duration of the collection time made by the sensor on the waveform and it is also possible to choose the maximum frequency (max frequency).

The number of turns  and the number of lines will change depending on the choices made in these parameters. The relationship of number of lines and collection duration (per frequency) for each DynaLogger model is shown below:

Figure: Settings for maximum frequency duration and respective number of lines. DynaLogger TcA+ above, DynaLogger HF below.
The collection duration reflects the signal acquisition in time (waveform). The maximum frequency chosen will be the data range converted to the frequency domain (Hz or CPM). This configuration can be done via the Dyna-Predict mobile application or via the Web Platform in the “Settings” tab, as shown in the following pictures.

Figure: Web Platform Interface for Spectral Configuration

Figure: Spectral monitoring settings details

The user, when selecting the “collection duration” (Tcollection), is also changing the number of temporal samples that the sensor will collect, which is 2x the Number of lines (shown in the image of the sensor models). The expected number of lines for the spectra, using only the maximum frequency information and the collection duration is given by:

Both numbers (of samples and lines) affect the signal resolution, in waveform and vibration spectrum respectively. The spectral resolution can be calculated based on the maximum frequency or simply on the sampling duration
Example: suppose you choose a maximum frequency of 6400 Hz, with a duration of 2.56 seconds. The resolution in the spectrum will be:

Whereas if a duration of only 0.08 second is chosen. The resolution will be:

In summary, the spectrum resolution will be extremely impaired with such a low time duration, because the signal is collected with a lower level of detail.

Visual Examples

Case 1 – Short time of collection

In this case the DynaLogger TcA+ was used for measurement with a maximum acquisition frequency of 1024 Hz and collection time duration of 0.5 s. Using the equations above one can expect a resolution at the frequency of 2 Hz and expect to get around 512 lines in the spectrum.

Figure: Vibration spectrum with 2 Hz resolution with zoom in the range 0 to 100 Hz.
As expected, the short duration of the collection time leads to low spectral resolution. It can be seen in the picture that the frequencies adjacent to the peak frequency have their amplitude recorded around this frequency, making the decay of the peak frequency slow, making analysis around the peak frequency difficult, or in some cases impossible.

Case 2 – Long collection time

For this case the DynaLogger TcA+ was used again for measurement at the same maximum frequency of 1024 Hz, however the collection duration was increased to 4 s. Using the equations again, one can expect a resolution at a frequency of 0.25 Hz and around 4096 lines in the spectrum, an 8-fold increase in the number of spectral lines compared to the previous case.


Figure: Vibration spectrum with 0.25 Hz resolution with zoom in the frequency range 0 to 100 Hz.
Comparing the cases it is noted that the acquisition done with a longer collection time duration allows a better definition of the peak frequency and that adjacent frequencies are better accounted for, which allows frequency analysis very close to the peak frequency.

It is worth noting that increasing the sample duration also leads to longer post-processing and data transfer time. However, whenever possible, the user should choose a longer collection time in order to increase their spectral discretization.


3.3) Bearing Registration

The Spot center, a screen that displays the settings saved in each Spot, is accessible from several locations within the Web Platform, such as from the asset tree.
When accessing the Spot Center, in the third tab “Bearings” it will be possible to add one or more bearing models to the Spot. This will be useful for later analysis of the measurements to be performed by vibration analysts.

Figure: Bearings Tab

In the Web Platform there is a database with approx. 70,000 bearing models already registered. In addition, it is possible to add more than one bearing and rename them conveniently.

Figure: Registration of bearings with main bearing specification

Note: If more than one bearing model is added, it is mandatory to indicate which is the main bearing, that is, the one closest to the sensor on site. This will receive a star symbol indicating that it is the main bearing.

3.4) Frequency registration

In the “Frequencies” tab of the Spot Center it will be possible to register specific frequencies for each Spot. These markers can be used in all spectra of this spot, as well as the markers of the machine where it is registered.

Figure: Frequency registration
If a marker has already been registered on the machine where the Spot is located, the marker will previously appear in the list. Otherwise, the list of markers will be empty. To add a new marker, click on “” in the upper right corner.
In the window that opens, you need to enter the name of the marker, the unit, the specific frequency where it will be inserted, bandwidth (thickness of the cursor created), number of harmonics and color of the marker.

Figure: Registration of customized frequencies in the Spot
The Platform allows, per Spot, the registration of up to 20 customized frequency markers. The registration will be saved, as per the example below.

Figure: Example of registering custom frequencies in Spot
The display of these markers will be available for toggling in each of the spectra obtained for the Spot, as in the example below.

Figure: Frequency markers in vibration spectrum


3.5) Viewing Preferences

Also within the Spot Center, it is possible to define standardized visualization parameters for different screens of the Web Platform. The objective is to save viewing preferences for the referred Spot, in order to make navigation faster and, consequently, gain productivity in analysis.

Figure: Viewing preference settings
Spot Viewer: On this screen you can pre-set the default time period displayed when the user accesses the Spot continuous data history. The functionality impacts the way information in other fields is displayed, such as the timeline, charts, events, and predictive analytics. You can select time ranges or even a fixed date.

Envelope Settings: in the Envelope Settings option it is possible to customize and define filters so that when the user selects the option in the spectrum analysis, it is already previously set as can be seen in the picture below. Likewise, it is also possible to define the maximum display frequency, whose value is customizable or even automatically defined by the Platform according to the main registered bearing model, taking into account the 4xBPFI reference (passage of rolling elements on the internal race) and the defined RPM.

Figure: Envelope filter already customized based on viewing preferences


Spectral Trend: Similar to the Spot Viewer preferences, the Spectral Trend screen can be configured to define the standard graphs to be viewed by all users for that Spot. By default, the active graphs are always “RMS Acceleration – Global, RMS Velocity – Global and RMS Displacement – Global”. However, there are many other graphs available that may be even more useful in visualizing faults for the different types of assets monitored by Dynamox sensors.

Figure: Spectral Trend Graph Viewing Preferences


To select other graph types, simply click on “” and a new screen with options will be shown:

Figure: Spectral trend options


The graphs chosen in this viewing preference feature will be shown on the spectral trend screen, as per the example below.

Figure: Spectral Trend with Saved Graphics via Viewing Preference.